You may have noticed that things have changed around here. In fact, you're not even "here" anymore, if "here" was The Light Without. Since the new year is about new beginnings, I've decided to make one. Not just a new web site, but a new look at where I'm going with my photography and how I want to share that with you. Simply put, you'll see my work here, on this site. If it's published elsewhere, I'll be sure to mention it, but this is the place to discover what I'm doing and what I have to say about it. I think that makes it much easier for everyone. I'll also continue to blog here, and hopefully a little more frequently than I have been recently. I think I have some interesting topics to cover, so stay tuned.

This means that a few other things will be changing, too. The Light Without will also disappear from Facebook and I'll be using my social network accounts (Facebook, Google+, Twitter) simply as a way to make connections, which I think is what they're best at. My Flickr account will also change and become simply a way to share some of the photographs I make with friends and family. My 500px and Zenfolio accounts will go away, as will any other photo sharing accounts I have. Again, you'll find my work here.

As well as this web site, my photographic life has changed significantly since I first started The Light Without blog over two years ago. I've sold prints, written a book, taught classes, and led a workshop—all of which has been extremely gratifying. And I have bigger plans for 2012 and beyond, which hopefully, you'll begin to see shortly. This site, of course, is one of those new things, but there are others in the works. I'm excited to be working with the folks at Rear Curtain and looking forward to helping with the site and the next issue of the magazine. I'm in the process of writing a new book for Craft & Vision (no, really), and I'm beginning a new semester teaching at the Cornerstone Center for the Arts. All in all, 2012 is looking very promising.

Mostly, though, I'm simply excited about photography. I've learned so much over the last couple of years and I think I've grown more as a photographer than I ever have. Most of that is due to you. Yes, you—everyone who is reading these words. My friends, my colleagues, my mentors, my family, and so many more have made me think and feel and stretch and grow to become a better photographer and a better human being.

My sincere thanks to all of you and my fondest wishes for a rewarding 2012.

