As I write this, there's still snow on the ground and temperatures are still hovering around freezing, which makes it kind of difficult to think of spring and flowers and warmer days. I thought it would be a good idea to remind us of that. Crocuses

Despite the unusually snowy winter this year, at least within recent memory, spring is indeed just around the corner. I made this photograph of a few crocuses pushing through the early spring ground last year during my One Camera/One Lens/One Month project, and I thought it would be good to give you a reminder of spring's renewal. I hope you like it.

March 2011 Wallpaper — Desktop Large (2560 x 1600) March 2011 Wallpaper — Desktop Small (1280 x 800) March 2011 Wallpaper — iPad (1024 x 1024) March 2011 Wallpaper — iPhone (640 x 960)

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Inspired by Darwin Wiggett's Winter in the Canadian Rockies ebook on Craft & Vision, I've found myself spending a few hours over the last couple of weekends out on the frozen lake at our nearby state park. The ice is about 5-6 inches thick now, so it's an easy thing to walk from one side of the lake to the other—something that I still get a kick out of. Don't worry; I'm very careful when it comes to testing the ice to see if it will hold me. I'm not really interested in taking a dip this time of year. I pay close attention to where the ice fishermen are and if I'm still not clear, I ask them about the ice conditions. Most of these guys know this lake very well, and can tell me where it's safe—and, more importantly, where it's not. Folded - February 2011 desktop wallpaper

This photograph came from along the lake's edge, where the tall grasses and cattails grow, but are now bent and folded over by the ice and snow. This one was standing out by itself a bit from the others, but not far enough I couldn't capture the shadows of the rest of them. The repetition of the pattern in the shadows drew me to make this photograph and to select it as my February wallpaper. Enjoy.

February 2011 wallpaper — Large (2560 x 1600) February 2011 wallpaper — Small (1280 x 800) February 2011 wallpaper — iPad (1024 x 1024) February 2011 wallpaper — iPhone HD (640 x 960)


Well. Nothing says "you forgot to post your January wallpaper" quite like an email from your Mom, now does it? Oops. January 2011 wallpaper

I took this a few days after Christmas while standing on a frozen pond at Summit Lake State Park. At first, I wasn't too sure about it, but I kinda like the way the horizon splits the image and breaks the "rule of thirds." Seems kinda appropriate.

So here you go, Mom… and everybody else. I hope you enjoy it.

January 2011 wallpaper — large (2560 x 1600) January 2011 wallpaper — small ( 1280 x 800) January 2011 wallpaper — iPad (1024 x 1024) January 2011 wallpaper — iPhone HD (640 x 960)
