I'm proud to announce a second sponsor for the Close to Home workshop, your favorite camera bag manufacturer and mine, ThinkTANK Photo! Yep, the kind folks at ThinkTANK Photo have provided us with some cool workshop prizes for the Close to Home participants. ThinkTANK Photo Retrospective 5 Camera Bag

I've been using the Retrospective 5 for a few months now and it's quickly become my favorite bag to head out into the world with. It's perfect for a small kit with my camera and a 50mm prime attached, a wide angle and a short telephoto—perfect for almost any situation. Small and lightweight, it lets me worry about the shot and not about a bunch of gear weighing me down.

Since part of our workshop mission is help you concentrate on your photography and less on the gear, we've got prize packages that reflect that "grab your camera and go" philosophy. Three random workshop participants will win one of these great prizes:

Of course, if you really do need to carry a lot of gear, ThinkTANK Photo also makes many other bags and accessories to help you—shoulder bags, backpacks and rolling bags, to name a few. Many pros swear by ThinkTANK Photo gear.

My thanks to ThinkTANK Photo's for their sponsorship, and to Craft & Vision for theirs. It's great folks like these that make workshops like this possible. I'm grateful for their support.

Hope to see you in Port Townsend next month!
